Living without glasses or contacts
Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia, whatever visual defect you suffer from, we are here to advise you as best we can in your choice and to offer you the solution.
Whether you’re a craftsman, a receptionist, a waiter, a salesperson, a driver, an accountant, a lawyer or a photographer… Whatever your profession, if your glasses are a daily handicap, if you can no longer tolerate your contact lenses because your eyes have become too dry or you don’t want them, in short, if you want to get rid of your glasses and contact lenses…
We have the solution.
In Nyon, with Vision Léman laser, come and benefit from an opinion to consider a laser operation.
The operation allows you to correct your vision by laser, both far and near. Whether you suffer from presbyopia, astigmatism, myopia or farsightedness, we will tell you if you can permanently correct your vision with laser.
Am I operable?
The pre-operative assessment makes it possible to define whether it is possible to carry out laser treatment of your eyes to correct your visual defects, whether from afar or near.
A complete optometric assessment must first be carried out and allows, thanks to advanced technologies, to know how your eye is made and to know the first contraindications to a laser operation.
Different techniques such as pachymetry, topography, aberrometry, the ocular response analyzer, finally the Score or the OPD Scan, make it possible to define with precision and in double security if the second medical stage is accessible. This optometric report also allows you to get to know the premises and our team.
In a second step, an ophthalmic assessment is necessary, in order to define your motivations and your expectations. This step requires an in-depth discussion between the patient and the ophthalmologist in order to define which objectives are to be achieved according to your requests and your needs.
The recipe for a perfect laser operation depends a lot on discussion with the patient , mainly to correct reading problems, in Presbylasik Supracor. A complete ophthalmic examination is carried out to ensure that there are no additional contraindications to those of the optometric assessment which is then analyzed.
Is this the right time?
After discussing your expectations, your needs, your age and the results of the pre-operative check-up, the question of the moment then arises. Indeed it is necessary to ensure that your visual defect is stable and will not change over time, for a lasting result. Vision is considered stable when there has been no change for 2 years.
For patients with reading problems, it is necessary that the proposed treatment can last as long as possible and therefore it is necessary to define with the ophthalmologist if the right moment has arrived. Once again, it is the discussion following the preoperative assessment that will answer the question.
The intervention is only done from the age of 18.
Which technique to use?
The technique most frequently used is LASIK, a painless method of exceptional safety and high precision correcting almost all visual defects .
However, the preoperative assessment defines whether there are contraindications that do not allow the use of LASIK, so other alternatives such as PKR or implants may be offered. For presbylasik according to the Supracor procedure, only Lasik is possible, PKR only allows monovision.
It is therefore accompanied by Dr David Suchocki, that you will be able to make the best decision as to the realization of a laser intervention.
Femto-LASIK and PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) are two types of laser eye surgery designed to correct refractive errors and improve vision. However, they differ in how the cornea is treated during the procedure.
1. Femto-Lasik (Femtosecond LASIK)
- Procedure: Femto-LASIK involves the use of a femtosecond laser to create a thin flap over the cornea. This flap is then lifted, and a second laser (the excimer laser) is used to reshape the underlying corneal tissue to correct the refractive error. The flap is then replaced, serving as a natural dressing for the treated area.
- Recovery: Patients generally have a faster visual recovery with Femto-LASIK, by a few hours, compared to PRK which lasts around 5 days. The flap created during the procedure generally results in less discomfort and faster healing.
2. PKR (Photorefractive Keratotomy)
- Procedure: PRK involves the direct application of the excimer laser to the surface of the cornea after removal of the corneal epithelium (the outer layer). Unlike Femto-LASIK, there is no flap creation. This technique is reserved for contraindications to Femto-LASIK.
- Recovery: Visual recovery takes longer with PRK compared to Femto-LASIK because the surface of the cornea needs time to regenerate after removal of the epithelium. This technique is painful for 2 days, then uncomfortable for 3 days; this requires a total cessation of activities for 5 days.
For Vision Léman Laser as well as globally, Femto-LASIK (100% laser) is generally the most widely used refractive surgery technique
LASIK offers rapid visual recovery, less postoperative discomfort compared to some other techniques, and a reduced risk of infections due to the creation of a protective flap during the procedure.
In addition, Femto-LASIK, which uses a femtosecond laser to create the flap, is the technique that provides the most precision and safety. Accuracy 4 times higher than PKR, which allows the treatment of complex visual defects such as high myopia, high hyperopia and astigmatism, which PKR cannot treat correctly.
This precision also makes it possible to treat presbyopia using the Supracor technique (see our corresponding chapter).
When vision changes in rare cases or when the patient becomes presbyopic (loss of near vision) after several years, Femto-Lasik makes it possible to perform a laser complement quickly and painlessly, to erase this new defect, and to continue living without glasses or contact lenses.
Visual defects
Nearsighted people can see near objects clearly, but far objects are blurred. Myopia occurs when the cornea is too bulging or the eye is too long.
This causes light to focus in front of the retina, resulting in blurred distance vision. Laser eye surgery treats this condition by flattening the curvature of the cornea.

People with farsightedness see distant objects better, but intermediate and close objects are blurry. Hyperopia occurs when the cornea is too flat or the eye is too short, causing light rays to focus behind the retina.
Laser eye surgery corrects this condition by bulging the cornea so that it focuses images on the retina.
Astigmatism is the inability to focus clearly at any distance due to an irregular or distorted cornea. With astigmatism, the cornea is shaped more like a rugby ball than a football, and light rays are concentrated at different points on the retina.
This causes distortion of distant and near images. People who are nearsighted or farsighted can also have astigmatism. Laser eye surgery for astigmatism corrects the oval shape of the cornea so that images can be clearly focused on the retina.

Presbyopia or reading difficulties
Patients over the age of 45 often find that they can no longer see up close without the need for reading glasses. This condition is known as presbyopia and is caused by the hardening and thickening of the lens that accompanies aging.
With presbyopia, the eye muscles can no longer change the shape of the hardening lens to focus on nearby objects, causing them to become blurry. Eye laser surgery to correct presbyopia is the Supracor, it is a question of giving reading vision at the same time as correcting the other defects of distance vision and this on each of the eyes treated according to the visual disturbances that present the patient and their goals.
Intervention methods
Step 1
The FEMTOSECOND LASER is a first step of 25 seconds which consists in making a thin lamella (90 µm) on the surface of the cornea, called corneal flap, formed with precision and safety and increasing the quality of laser treatments. Its use has now become widespread, 99% of laser treatments are carried out with the femtosecond.
Step 2
The EXCIMER LASER is a second step of a few seconds, between 5 and 20, by modifying the radius of curvature of the cornea according to the visual defects to be corrected. The surgeon lifts the previously made flap in order to apply the excimer laser.
PKR: Surface refractive photokeratectomy
Surface refractive photoablation with the excimer laser (PKR or PRK in English) consists of flattening the center of the cornea in the myopic subject and the periphery of the cornea in the hyperopic subject by directly applying the excimer laser to the surface of the cornea, without first cutting the corneal flap (hood), unlike Lasik.
This method is indicated when the cornea presents limiting factors with the inconvenience of being painful for two days and does not allow correct correction of all visual defects. This method is reserved for a minority of patients.
The Visumax Zeiss Meditec Femtosecond Laser Smile is a recent evolution of Lasik. This laser makes it possible to shape a lenticule inside the cornea without making a flap like in Lasik.
The intrastromal refractive lenticule is removed manually by the surgeon through a peripheral micro-incision (3 mm) of the stromal pocket. This method does not correct all visual defects.
The ICL or Implant Phake
When the myopia is greater than 10 diopters and/or the cornea is not thick enough, ablative laser surgery is not indicated because it compromises the mechanical resistance of the cornea in the long term and risks degrading the quality of vision.
In this case, phakic implants offer an optical solution and better long-term safety, also associated with perfect reversibility.
Intraocular implants
Aphakic intraocular implants are used in cataract surgery and in clear lens extraction surgery. The clinical examination as well as the OQAS (Optical Quality Analyzing System) and other paraclinical examinations make it possible to make the difference between cataract and clear lens.
In both cases, it is possible to use multifocal and/or toric implants, which will correct distance vision and near vision. Like laser operated patients, these lens operated patients no longer need glasses.
These implants only require an outpatient, precise, short and painless operation. In most cases, anesthesia is done by instillation of eye drops, it may require the presence of an anesthesiologist.